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Welcome to a Summer of Chistole Madness!

Come join us for the summer of our lives! Starting on July 12 you won’t catch sleep for a good 4 weeks!
Head over to our friends in Geneva for the PreECMC (messlifegeneva@gmail.com) before riding to ECMC Lausanne.

Once the first international titles of this summer are awarded it’s time to head into the Jura and Vosges mountains with the group ride from Lausanne to Freiburg in Breisgau and enjoy the beauty of the trinational border region. Take in some marvelous views, breath that crisp mountain air and go skinny dipping in the Doubs river or the Rhône-Rhine Canal.

You’ll need that to prepare for the ominous Fünf Katzen Kampf in Freiburg i.B. We’re not sure what the five cats are fighting about, but we’re sure there’s gonna be a lot of hissing and scratching involved, so be prepared!
After all the pet trouble you’ll need a nice ride through the Black Forest to decompress before arriving in Zurich’s sister city Winterthur, where the local messengers will welcome you with a summer edition of their yearly Red Light Stopper alley cat, making it the first official CMWC event this year! They will also cater for you the next morning and organize the group ride to Zurich.

PreECMC Geneva and Group Ride to Lausanne; July 12 through 17

ECMC Lausanne; July 17 through 21

Group Ride Lausanne-Freiburg i.B.-Winterthur and PreCMWC; July 22 through 29:

Red Light Stopper Winterthur, July 29: